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Stepping Stones' 10th Birthday Party!
From:转载铺路石官网(风雨无阻公益路,铺路铺石有情天) Publisher:admin Time:2016-05-16 PV:4107次

On Sunday 8th May, around 800 people gathered at Wellington College International Shanghai to celebrate Stepping Stones’ 10th Birthday Sponsored cordially by Nissei Well. The event raised almost RMB90,000, all of which will be used to support Stepping Stones’ work.

As well as students and teachers from our partner schools, plus our volunteers, board members, sponsors and their families, we were glad that our event attracted many new faces from all walks of life in Shanghai.

Wellington College’s Jazz Band opened the party, followed by an impressive dance performance by 35 migrant children from Wanliao School.

Guests young and old loved the performances by a local Bollywood dance group and Clowns without Borders. Food, drinks and treats from different countries, many different children’s games and entertainments and generous raffle and silent auction prizes from our donors kept up the excitement throughout the event.

Our party was a great tribute to Stepping Stones’ first ten years, and a fitting way to thank all the old friends who have supported us from the very early days, as well as all the new friends we have made along our ten year journey.



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